
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Day 1 {Freebie} Story Funnels for Retell vs. Summary

Happy Sunday! It's Day One of my eight freebie giveaways! I got started on TpT about a year ago and it's been so much fun connecting with other teachers and getting feedback on my freebies and products.  I just started my second year of teaching and it has completely transformed my outlook on teaching and the never ending possibilities for classroom resources and collaboration with teachers! To celebrate having 800 followers at my TpT store, I'm starting off the first day of freebies with some resources I used recently to help my kiddos with the difference between a summary and retell.....and then finally working down to the main idea of a book.

Throughout the week, we talked about the difference between a summary and retell. I gave the students an example of a summary and retell for the same story (after we had read them together, I just typed up the two examples) and they filled out this quickie venn to help with our discussion.

Later in the week, we started filling out these Story Stack and Story Funnel organizers for my kiddos that are visual learners. I like them because the students can see how a retell, summary and main idea each narrow down the details in the story and get more specific/shorter in length. I used two different organizers- the Story Stack gives the kids a little more room to write for the main idea, the Story Funnel is pretty small at the point for the main idea, but still a good visual. I also included where the kids create an alternate title (on the Story Funnel organizer) so they could see how the main idea could help create titles for books.

 If you think this is something that could help your kiddos, you can snatch them all up {HERE} for free. I have also included lined and unlined versions of the two story organizers- depending on what your students do better with.

Have a great day and stop back tomorrow for Day Two! Please feel free to share the "8 Days of Freebies" icon up at the top on of this post on your blog and let your friends know about the 8 days of freebies! I have it linked to my store, but I don't know if you just copy and paste it, if that will automatically work- proof of a beginning blogger right there! Thanks!! I have fonts, clipart, fall freebies and a big $8.00 giveaway from my store at the end of it all coming your way!


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