
Friday, August 30, 2013

Classroom Reveal 2013!

It's official! I have started my third year of teaching, in my third grade level change (this year I am teaching second grade) and I survived my first week with the kiddos! School started for me on Monday, but thanks to a little thing called Labor Day, I have a four-day weekend to break me into work slowly.

I am super excited to show you all around my new classroom! If you read my post last year about my classroom reveal, you will see a lot of similarities, but I think this is my BEST classroom design yet! I switched classrooms this year with a short move across the hallway, but I have a bigger room than before so I LOVE IT! I realize just how cramped my 22 third graders were at the end of last year, now that I see my little second graders moving around easily in our new room. So! Let the tour begin :)

This is the view as you come into my room. I have a huge carpet and Smarboard in the front of my room. My desk area is in the corner. If it wasn't DARK outside when I finally finished my room and took these pictures, you would see a nice view out those windows :) 

This is my small group reading table and my jungle library! My tree has grown a little in size since last year, but it was pretty much the same process to assemble it. I have had a lot of people ask how to make it and I actually remembered to take pictures as I made it this year, so that will be my next blogpost. This post is already going to be a marathon without including it!

Those READ letters were made by my mom and they are paper mache letters, painted and then fabric is decoupaged on top. I love them! They match my room theme perfectly!

Another view of the jungle library and back bulletin boards. You can also see the two shelves of math manipulatives in front of the writing process board. I LOVE that I have so much space to have the math manipulatives out for the kids to use as needed. 

This is looking at the other side of my room across from the window wall. My word wall is going to go on those cabinets on the left. We have bathrooms in our rooms (thank the lord, or my class would be out of the room all day long going to the hall bathrooms), so that is the door you see in the middle.

This is looking from the back of my room at the door you come in. Student cubbies wrap around on the left and I have storage in the front under the green and white polka dot fabric. I LOVE to hide things behind fabric. Fact.

Here is my teacher nook. I hate that there is that much space taken up in the room, but it is kind of dead space otherwise, it is between my reading table and my desk, and is too far over for the kids to sit and see the board. This is a close up of my "Teacher Shelf" from last year because I didn't take a close up this year, but it is pretty much the same:

I am FINALLY posting the labels for these drawers because so many people have asked me. You can download them {HERE}
Okay, now for some close ups!

This is our calendar and center rotations. I am going to write the students' names on the white spaces next to the colored monkeys and then their rotations are in the row next to each. I have to do a very modified version of the Daily Five to make it work with our required center schedule and timing, so I am crossing my fingers that all goes smoothly! It is pretty straight forward once they get in the the groove of things. 

I got those Daily Five rotation cards from this GREAT freebie from A Year of Many Firsts! The pack is huge and wonderful like all of her products! Snatch it up {HERE}!

This is my student work space, because if I didn't designate a specific spot in the room for it, I would surely lose it and use it for something else! Never enough wall space in a classroom!  I don't know about you, but I HATE tape loops- they are a pain to make, they ruin the students' work sometimes and I just vowed this year, I would avoid them at all costs. So, this board is entirely tape free! The little monkey faces that you see are hot glued to clothespins, which are then stuck to the wall with sticky tack. Now I just can clip the work up there and swap it out easily! Love! 

The monkey bunting is a freebie from my store that you can grab {HERE}

Next to my Super Star Work Wall are my Essential Questions wipe off boards. They are from Walmart. I made the chalkboard-themed labels for each one. 

Writing Process Board: These are dollar store pizza pans with flat thumbtacks hot glued to the back. The little bananas are some of my clipart that I printed and laminated. They have magnets on the back and students move their name through the writing process during writer's workshop. 

ALL MY MATH MANIPULATIVES!!!! Love me some organization! The bins are from the dollar store and the black bookcases are from Walmart (they are only like $17.00!). I am not ashamed to say that I have 8 (yes eight) bookshelves like this throughout my room. I really like shelves apparently! The labels on the bins are laminated and stuck on with velcro dots, so I can switch out the labels and manipulatives if I want. With the rate that I am switching grade levels each year, being able to change them is important! The cute little zebra frames around these labels are a freebie in my store so you can make your own! Check 'um out {HERE}!

Now take a walk on the wild side into my jungle library!

More bookcases, dollar store bins, and labels!!! I love children's books and I love seeing my kiddos get excited when they find a book in my library. I get a lot of my books from garage sales, Goodwill, and scholastic book order points. I was also super lucky to work at the Penn State Education Library when I was in college and was given a HUGE amount of almost-new picture books from my supervisor Karla. It was a great jumpstart to my classroom library and I've kept it going every since!

Here's the newest addition to my library: a huge panda! She doesn't have a name, but she does have a pretty stylish headband if I do say so myself! I have a feeling that headband will be changing with the seasons! I don't have any kids to dress up in those adorable, enormous flower headbands, so I must settle for oversized stuffed animals :) 

Close up! You can see more labels using my zebra borders. They are also attached with velcro.

Other side of my library and two more bookcases from Walmart :) On the back of these bookcases are the two math manipulative bookcases. 

Thanks to a shower curtain and suspension rod, I was also able to hide all my seasonal decorations and supplies in my jungle corner. I hide EVERYTHING behind curtains! I hate clutter and stacks anywhere in my classroom! Selective OCD...

Close up on my READ jumbo letters! Aren't those fabrics so cute! Thanks for making them Mom!

Students cubbies with dollar store bins. The table caddies on top of the cubbies are from Hobby Lobby. My other obsession with classroom decor this year was the "chalkboard look." So, when I found Hope King's classroom decor pack, I was in LOVE! Check it out {HERE}. The table labels are part of that pack! I also bought her Desire to Inspire Subway Art pack that I used in this cute little frame:

Frame: Michael's with a coupon! I took the glass out and laminated the subway art. I get nervous having anything glass in my room. I hot glued the ribbon decorations on it before I put the subway art in by just wrapping it around the sides of the frame. Did I mention I am also obsessed with gluing bows on EVERYTHING this year? Fact.

Another bow example :) This lamp was white when I bought it and I added the ribbon, bows and bead trim at the bottom. Doesn't have a lightbulb in it yet, but it looks cute!

This is a little 'monkey-themed' behavior incentive I made with my clipart. I spend so much time making clipart, I sometimes forget to use it to make things for my own classroom! The students sit in four tables, so they earn banana points for good behavior, being ready first, or positive behaviors I see them doing while working cooperatively. The kids love it! One of my kiddos said yesterday, "Wow! Table Four has a bunch of bananas!.......(pauses and thinks hard) Bunch of bananas.... Hey! That's funny Miss Wallden, cause bananas come in a bunch, get it?" It was adorable and he was utterly shocked he had "made a funny." :) 

If you are still reading- you are a champ, I'm almost done with my photo marathon post...

My big monkey :) If you haven't read my blog in the past to see this guy before- his clothes change with seasons and holidays, thanks to my mom who has now applied her Halloween costume sewing skills to make the outfits for my classroom stuffed animal :) 

Reading Group Bins: Courtesy of Big Lots sale section, zebra ribbon and number labels from Hope King's decor pack that I talked about before :) 

And we're back to the door, and you are on your way out! Check out my latest (and possibly only) successful pinterest craft! I have looked at those wire/mesh wreaths for so long and finally tried making one! It was a success and super easy! I didn't follow a tutorial, but I just went back some picture posts on pinterest. I know there are some great detailed tutorials if you do a search on Pinterest for mesh bubble wreaths- but I was too impatient to watch an entire one :)

Close up!

Alright folks! That's it! Happy Friday and have a good Labor Day weekend! To celebrate my first week of school being over, my entire store is 10% off!


  1. Your room is so cute!!! We have the same color theme! I have a bookshelf obsession as well and I have a curtain hiding all my as well. ;) Great job! :)

    1. The Creative Chalkboard: Classroom Reveal 2013! >>>>> Download Now

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      The Creative Chalkboard: Classroom Reveal 2013! >>>>> Download LINK

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      The Creative Chalkboard: Classroom Reveal 2013! >>>>> Download Full

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  2. Your room is so cute!!! We have the same color theme! I have a bookshelf obsession as well and I have a curtain hiding all my as well. ;) Great job! :)

  3. Your room is super duper cute!!! I love it!! I did a jungle/monkey theme this year too! I was wondering if the monkey themed group behavior incentive was something you could share or do you have it in your store? I LOVE that idea!! I think my kids would go "bananas" for it! :) Thanks for the monkey bunting freebie! What did you attach to the printables to make it?


  4. Hey Krista, I have the exact same reading table, desks, and chairs! I wish I had the beautiful carpet too! Your room looks great!
    Grade 4 Buzz

  5. Your room looks amazing:) LOVE every colorful and cozy bit of it. Your students must be thrilled to come to learn there every day:) Love your wreath too!!! So cool. I have always wondered about tackling one of those....maybe I will;)

    4th Grade Frolics

  6. Seriously the cutest room ever! All those little personal touches really make the difference! You are off to a fabulous start! Enjoy your long weekend! You deserve it!


  7. Your room makes me so happy! You are so creative and crafty! I love everything about your room. Thanks for all the fun and inspirational pictures! You are full of good ideas. :)


  8. Love it, love it, love it! The colors are so calm! The theme is perfect and throughout your room! Just awesome!

    Seconds at the Beach

  9. Your classroom looks incredible! I must admit, though, I would have expected nothing less after seeing (and loving!) all your great clip art! Have a great year in 2nd grade!
    Crafting Connections

  10. Oh my!! Your room looks amazing!! I love the blue and green! So super organized! :)

    A Sunny Day in First Grade

  11. I love your classroom! You are so creative and organized. I like your colors too. Have a great year! :)

    ~ Lisa
    Teaching Kindergarten Kiddos

    1. I just became your newest follower! Feel free to stop by my little blog sometime. :)

      ~ Lisa
      Teaching Kindergarten Kiddos

  12. your room is sooo cute! I love the color scheme!

    I want to make one of those mesh wreaths!!!

    Hodges Herald

  13. Oh my goodness - your room is FABULOUS!!! Your students must LOVE coming into it every single day! LOVE.

    Runde's Room

  14. Your classroom is so bright and inviting! I love your chalkboard graphics, by the way. I used many of them in my classroom this year. Is that Hope's "Desire to Inspire" poster? Just wondered if she changed the first word from "confident" to "confidently" in her file- I was thinking of getting that file.

  15. WOW! Your room looks fantastic! Great job! It looks like such a great place to learn. There are so many different areas to go to!

    :) Shelley

    The Perks of Teaching Primary

  16. Adorable! I love all the monkeys everywhere! If I ever get sick of my garden theme, the jungle/monkey theme is already at the top of my list! Monkeys are my favorite! I really love your giant stuffed monkey. I have a giant sock monkey that loves to come visit my classroom, but he doesn't live there. :-)

    Blooming In First

  17. Beautiful room! Love the colour scheme.

  18. Oh.My.Goodness!!! Your room is amazing - - it looks absolutely fabulous and you have put so many valuable tools into place! Thank you so much for sharing - - with such a great tour and explanation of your room! (You will inspire so many of us!). I am in a new room this year too, which I absolutely LOVE! I'm doing a blue/green theme with touches of black - - - so I love your labels (thanks for sharing those as well!!) My room got new carpet and paint over the summer, so I feel like I am in a new building (our school is celebrating its 40th birthday), and setting up with intention (translate that to slowly...). I will definitely incorporate some of your ideas into my room! Thanks again! I hope your year is outstanding!

  19. Wowsers! Your room is beautiful. I really like the blue green color combination. This is one of the best Reveals I've seen this season, 18 book shelves in your classroom seems reasonable to me:-) You must love books and manipulatives too!

  20. Absolutely adorable! I love it and I am sure your kids will be thrilled! Have a wonderful year!!


  21. Krista- Your room looks gorgeous! It shows that you put a lot of love into decorating it. Have a wonderful year!

    Crayonbox Learning

  22. Krista- Your room looks gorgeous! It shows that you put a lot of love into decorating it. Have a wonderful year!

    Crayonbox Learning

  23. Krista, It is all just beautiful! You have been so busy! I don't know where you find all the time! :)

  24. Holly cow girl! Your room looks phenomenal. Any little ones who walk in there are beyong lucky!
    Happy school year,
    My Second Sense

  25. Hi Krista!
    I am a new follower and am just obsessed with your classroom! It is amazing- but what stuck out to me first were your Penn State things!! I am a Nittany Lion too! GO STATE!!

    Christy :)

  26. Your classroom looks great! I so wish that in our district we could hang/decorate more than we can. I absolutely LOVE your writing traits pencil, where did you find that?

  27. LOVE the room...the color combination, the lamp, the bananas on the pans, ETC. Wish I could come sit in there for a while...
    Smiles, Jayne
    Smart Kids

  28. Hi,
    I have enjoyed seeing all of your awesome decorations in your room! Great Job! Question??? How did you create your headings like-Rockin Writing Process? I am creating my classroom and wanted some headings as well. Any advice would be helpful. Thank you!

  29. I've loved looking at your classroom and getting some great ideas from you! I also have the same question as above. I'd love to create those headings!

  30. How can I find your we go bananas for good behavior clipart set? I would like to use this with my class.

  31. Where could I find the large READ letters?

  32. Your room looks great! I love the giant panda!!

  33. Love your room. I am doing Dr Seuss this year. I like your going bananas for good behavior could you think of a catchy phrase that is seuss related

  34. Loving your going bananas for good behavior.I looked for it on TPT and didn't seem to find it. I would LOVE to use this in my classroom this year. Did i miss it?

  35. Is there anyway I can get the bananas for good behavior clip art?? Live it!!

  36. The Creative Chalkboard: Classroom Reveal 2013! >>>>> Download Now

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